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Now Open Everyday! Mon-Sat 8-6, Sun 9-5
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Shades of Green

Shades of Green

I remember when I was around 5 or 6 going on a car ride with my grandparents to visit relatives on one of the Finger Lakes.  The ride was only a few hours long, but I remember feeling that we would never get to our destination.  There may have been a minor amount of  complaining coming out of my little mouth....Well, I vividly remember my grandmother telling me to enjoy the ride and to look at all the beautiful, different shades of green on the many trees that we were passing.  My grandmother opened my eyes that day.  She opened...

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Get Growing

Yes Spring is here, but remember where we live!  Last week we got 3" of snow on top of our beautiful daffodils, aah springtime in Western NY.  So the question is, what can I safely plant in my pots and gardens?  I always begin the spring season with planting several pots of pansies.  They are very hardy and can even take the snow!  If you want to add extra interest to your pots add Pussy Willows, small evergreen shrubs, or spring blooming perennials.  These early season pots usually last well into July, which makes the rush of spring planting a...

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Spring Is Not Canceled

Its happening, just look all around you.  Spring is coming to the Finger Lakes, and even a virus cannot stop the beautiful changes that are beginning.  I love gardening.  I have loved it since I was youngster playing in the vegetable garden looking for worms.  Now more than ever it is important to get our hands dirty, watch the changes of the season, and hope for the future.  That is so much of what gardening is...hope.  When you plant the early Pea seeds, you hope and wait.  When you plant the small annuals into your colorful containers on your patio, you hope and...

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